Landscape Services

Professional Landscape Services


The following activities fall within the scope of SGS’s landscaping service

Instant Lawn

What is Instant Lawn ?
Instant lawn is healthy well grown lawn that is removed from the ground with a sod cutter and is then sold in either rolls or blocks. Whereafter it is rolled out or packed on prepared soil on the customer’s premises, thus creating an instant lawn.

Types of instant lawn
There are various types of instant lawn the main two being Kikuyu and LM. We mainly sell Kikuyu, but LM is also available on request.

Kikuyu is an ideal lawn for high traffic areas. This lawn repairs itself rather quickly and is fast growing, which is good for maintaining a beautiful lawn. Kikuyu likes a sunny position and will go dormant over winter. This lawn is available throughout the year.

LM is ideal for sunny and shady positions, this grass can handle moderate traffic and is not as aggressive an grower as Kikuyu. Lm does not handle frost very well and will brown.

Scarifying & Lawn Treatments
Scarifying refers to the removal of the thick layer of thatch build-up in lawns.

Thatch is a layer of fibrous material on top of the soil surface. When incorporated with the soil surface, this layer is more properly called a mat.
Thatch less than 1 inch thick is useful as it adds springiness and cuts down on surface water loss. Thatch over 1 inch thick is harmful as water penetration is reduced and the likelihood of disease is increased.
Scarifying can be carried out in early autumn, but the best results are seen in spring up to mid-summer.

We also offer the following services:

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